Veteran producer Anand Pandit and Vaishal Shah have announced their next Gujarati project, ‘Tron Ekka’ after the thumping success of family entertainer ‘Fakt Mahilao Maate’. The muhurat of the film was held today (February 13).The story narrates the trials and tribulations of three friends who are stuck in a financial crisis and come up with a mindless plan to turn a middle-class house into a secret gambling den. Multiple mishaps keep piling up and what follows is a comedy of errors. ‘Tron Ekka’ is directed by Rajesh Sharma and the star cast includes Yash Soni, Malhar Thakar, Mitra Gadhvi, Hitu Kanodiya, Kinjal Rajpriya, Esha Kansara, Tarjanee Bhadla, Chetan Daiya and Prem Gadhvi.
Producer Pandit says, “This is my third Gujarati film with producer Vaishal Shah after ‘Days of Tafree’ and ‘Fakt Mahilao Mate’ and we are on the same page as far as making cinema with entertainment and a subtle social message goes. I am also very excited about the star cast as the combination of Yash Soni, Malhar Thakar and Mitra Gadhvi is known for a very popular film ‘Chhello Divas. It was their debut film and shot them into instant stardom and this film will present them in a totally unexpected avatar.” The trio also featured in ‘Shu Thayu’ which was also a blockbuster.
Producer Vaishal says, “Anand Bhai and I share the same passion for good family cinema. We see there is an immense potential in the Gujarati film Industry in coming years, and we want to be a part of the process. Surprisingly with Malhar, Yash & Mitra this is our third film together, Chhello Divas, Shu Thayu and now Tron Ekka. This one is a unique fun ride entertainer.
Director Rajesh Sharma adds, “All of us were instantly drawn to the story when we first heard it. The plot on the surface is about three bumbling no-gooders but it also has a message that will bring home the pointlessness of taking short-cuts in life. ‘Tron Ekka’ has the potential to appeal to a wide cross-section of viewers and will be loved equally in Gujarat and across India.